

  • 多处发生的,多起源的
  • 广布种



  • 例句与用法
  • The problem of dual control is studied for the stochastic system of which the uncertainty model is polytopic
  • An lmi ' s dl - admissible condition for descriptor systems and robustly dl - admissible condition for polytopic uncertainty are established
  • The problem of robust stability analysis for convex polytopic uncertain discrete - time systems with multiple - state delays is investigated
  • Then , we establish an dr - admissible condition and a robustly dr - admissible condition for descriptor systems with polytopic uncertainty
  • A robust model predictive control algorithm for saturated systems is proposed , in which polytopic uncertainty and structure feedback uncertainty are respectively considered
  • 3 the problem of reliable h # control for a class of lur ' e systems with polytopic uncertainties is studied when all control components are operational as well as when some control components experience failures , the design approach of reliable h # controller is also obtained
    3 、针对一类具有凸参数不确定性的lur ’ e时滞系统,研究了当执行器与传感器分别出现故障的时候的可靠控制问题,得出了可靠h _控制器的设计方法。
  • Considering the structural stability problem for continuous - time descriptor systems with real convex polytopic uncertainties , an lmi sufficient condition , which is simply and efficiently computable , is established for checking the robust admissibility is proposed , and a special case e = diag ( i , 0 ) is investigated
    给出连续时间不确定广义系统具有多边形不确性的鲁棒容许的el充分条件。同时本文研究了状态反馈情形和e dw广, 0 )的特殊情形。
  • Based on robust filtering theory , this paper develops polytopic models of uncertain multisensor system and centralized robust fusion estimation by linear matrix inequality ( lmi ) method , and proves the exact transforming condition , by which robust centralized estimation can be transformed to the distributed fusion method with the same fusion estimation performance
  • Transforming the problem of robust hurwitz and schur stability of interval system into checking the nonsingularity of a set of uncertain matrices , then establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the robust hurwitz and the robust schur stability of interval system base on - analysis . 3 . a new sufficient lmi condition for the robust stability is established with respect to polytopic uncertainty
  • A robust feasible predictive control scheme is put forward vhich adopts nominal model and applies for constrained linear systems with polytopic uncertainty . set invariance is the theory which underlies this control profile . and the key point to this predictive control paradigm is to append robust feasible constraint in the online optimization problem
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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