Boundaries of the polygon may extend to infinity . 多角形的边界可以延伸到无穷远处。
The frequency polygon is simpler than its histogram counterpart . 频率多边形比直方图更简单。
He conceived the first proof that the 17-sided polygon is constructible . 他构思了17边形可以作图的第一个证明。
The circle has greater area than a regular polygon of the same perimeter . 圆的面积比同样周长的正多边形的面积大。
At the same time convert the angle of the polygon at that vertex into a straight angle . 同时把该顶点处多角形的角转换成平角。
The captain had it conveyed to the polygon at washington, challenging the president of the gun club to smash it . 船长把它运到华盛顿的试炮场,请大炮俱乐部的主席来击碎它。
In this way the areas of the polygons thus formed gradually approach to the area of the circle, the difference diminishing step by step . 按这种方法,这样形成的多边形的面积逐渐趋近于圆的面积,两者的差别一步步地缩小。
The relative frequency polygon has the same shape as the frequency polygon made from the same data set but a different scale of values on the vertical axis . 根据同一资料绘制的相对频率多边形与频率多边形的形状是相同的,只是纵轴上的标尺不同。
The convex decomposition of arbitrary planar polygon 任意平面多边形的凸分解。
A problem in combinatorial geometry about convex polygon 边形的一个组合几何问题