

  • 寥科
  • 蓼科
  • 蓼目



  • 例句与用法
  • Plant species from the polygonaceae are widely distributed with most of them having large biomass , and it is , therefore , possible to screen accumulators and hyperaccumulators from the polygonaceae
  • A survey of literature shows that little study has been done on uptake of pollutants by plants from the polygonaceae , and that the reports about their physiological and biochemical characteristics under heavy metal stress were sporadically seen . a batch of sand culture and soil culture experiments were carried out to investigate heavy metal and radiocesium uptak e and accumulation by rumex acetosa linn , polygonum microcephalum d . don , and rumex hastatus d . don widely distributed on copper mining areas , and their physiological and biochemical characteristics under cu zn stress , as well their potentials in application to phytoremediation
    本论文以广泛生长于铜矿区的蓼科植物酸模、小头蓼和戟叶酸模为试验材料,运用砂培、土培等方法,研究它们对重金属( cu 、 zn )以及放射性核素( ~ ( 134 ) cs )的吸收和积累特性以及cu 、 zn胁迫条件下它们的生理生化特征,初步探讨它们在无机污染物污染土壤植物修复中的应用潜力。
  • The distribution and harm of species of dominant weeds of lawn vary with different area , and the most harmful weeds belong 8 families , which were poaceae , asteraceae , cyperaceae , amaranthaceae , euphorbiaceae , polygonaceae , fabaceae and caryophyllaceae , about accounted for from sixty percent to seventy percent in all weeds in lawn
    摘要不同地区草坪优势杂草的种类不尽相同,禾本科、菊科、莎草科、苋科、大戟科、蓼科、豆科和石竹科等8个科的杂草种类和发生数量最多,约占杂草总数的60 % ~ 70 % 。
  • 百科解释
The Polygonaceae are a family of flowering plants known informally as the knotweed family or smartweed?buckwheat family in the United States. The name is based on the genus Polygonum, and was first used by Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in 1789 in his book, Genera Plantarum.
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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