Poc system of advantech used in franciscus hospital 医院麻醉科的应用
Poc passage quality control 段检人员
The forest cover rate of the beijiang river drainage basin is higher . affected by c3 plant , its poc 8 13c value was lighter 北江流域森林覆盖率较高,受c _ 3植物影响明显,故北江水体中poc ~ ( 13 ) c值最轻。
The seasonal change of poc 13c value of suspension in zhujiang river is the reflection of the suspended source in every season 珠江水系各断面水体中悬浮物含量及poc ~ ( 13 ) c值的季节变化是其物质来源季节变化的反映。
Among the three rivers , the doc content of dongjiang river is the highest , then the beijiang river , and then the xijiang river 与世界其它河流相比,珠江poc含量较低;三条河流中,以西江最高,东江次之,北江最低。
Poc coagulation analyzer features its portability , easy to use , providing rapid results , multifunction , safe and low equipment and operating costs 此类仪器的开发,应强调可携性、快速检测、使用简易、多功能、安全及低廉的操作成本。
A poc coagulation analyzer features its portability , easy to use , providing rapid results , multifunction , safe and low equipment and operating costs 此类仪器的开发,应强调可携性、快速检测、使用简易、多功能、安全及低廉的操作成本。
Poc coagulation analyzer features its portability , easy to use , providing rapid results , multifunction , safe and low equipment and operating costs 此类仪器的开发,应强调可移植性、快速检测、使用简易、多功能、安全及低廉的操作成本。
Poc in the dongjiang river was influenced mainly by c4 plant such as grass and crops , and poc 6 13c value was heavier than that in the xijiang and beijiang rivers 在珠江流域中,东江水体poc受c _ 4植物草类以及作物的影响明显, ~ ( 13 ) c值比西江、北江偏重。
The pelagic - benthic coupling is realized by the deposition of phytoplankton and poc into the detritus and the transportation of nutrient elements from the bottom to the pelagic 水层和底栖生态系统的耦合是通过浮游植物与颗粒有机物的沉降和沉积物中营养盐的再悬浮来实现的。