" you are a little bright sun ! " said gerda . " tell me if you know where i can find my playfellow . “你是一轮光耀的小太阳, ”格尔达说。 “请告诉我,假如你知道的话,我在什么地方可以找到我的玩伴? ”
" is it true that you have taken my little playfellow ? i will make you a present of my red shoes , if you will give him back to me . “你真的把我亲爱的玩伴带走了吗?如果你把他还给我,我就把这双红鞋送给你! ”
How delightful it will be to have him for a playfellow ! aunt isabella sent papa a beautiful lock of his hair ; it was lighter than mine - more flaxen , and quite as fine 伊莎贝拉姑姑给过爸爸一绺他的美丽的头发比我的头发颜色还浅更淡黄些,而且也相当细。
One of those boys , who loved to play with his companions , observed that , by tying a string from the handle of the valve which opened this communication to another part of the machine , the valve would open and shut without his assistance , and leave him at liberty to divert himself with his playfellows 有一次担任这工作的某儿童,因为爱和朋友游玩,他用一条绳把开闭通路的舌门的把手,系在机械的另一部分,舌门就可不需人力自行开闭。