Are you going to cover the planking with carpet ? 你打算在地板上铺地毯吗?
The old man scraped his bare feet on the plank floor . 老人在厚厚的地板上擦了一下他那双光着的脚。
There remained a rude table here--a plank on two posts . 这里还留着一张异常粗糙的桌子--是用两条杆子支着一块木板做成的。
One night we caught a little section of a lumber raft-- nice pine planks . 一天晚上,我们捞着一小节木筏都是很好的松木板。
Two plank steaks and six bottles of beer are not too much for her when she's in condition . 两块大牛排,6瓶啤酒,当她高兴时全然不在话下。
Naked feet swished dryly across the planks in the wooden floor and the clang ceased abruptly . 光着的脚丫子啪哒啪哒踩着木头地板走过来,闹钟立刻不响了。
A temporary rudder was made on board from spare planks and it was fitted with great difficulty . 船员们在甲板上用备用的厚木板做了一个临时的舵,费了很大的劲才把它安装好。
At their insistence, a plank declaring "unequivocally for the revision of the tariff" was written in the republican platform . 在他们的坚持下,把“坚决争取修改关税”条款与进了共和党的政纲。
Call me lucky , because i used up the last plank 我很幸运,因为我用尽最后板条。