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用"plaa"造句"plaa"怎么读"plaa" in a sentence


  • 人民解放军军事科学院政治部宣传部
  • 中国军方


  • Take the red line l . 1 and get off at plaa universitat
    乘坐红色地铁线1号线,在大学广场placa universitat站下车
  • Take the green subway line l . 3 and get off at plaa catalunya . estaci del nord main bus station
    从长途客运北站estacio del nord主要长途大巴车站
  • Take the aeroline bus , the blue bus and get off at plaa catalunya , last stop
    乘坐蓝色的aero线大巴,在终点站加太罗尼亚广场placa catalunya下即可
  • There is only one train line from the airport , also get off at plaa catalunya
    乘坐机场唯一的一条火车线路,也是在加太罗尼亚广场placa catalunya站下车
  • The theory as well as the approach in this thesis was thus approved by leaders of the enterprise and has the application in the existing production plaa it was also pointed out at the end of the thesis that besides the study of comprehensive and main production plan , the further study on the production work should be deepened
plaa的中文翻译,plaa是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译plaa,plaa的中文意思,plaa的中文plaa in Chineseplaa的中文plaa怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。