Striking workers picketed the factory . 罢工工人在工厂周围设置了纠察队。
Some of the union members did not want to picket . 工会的一些会员不想担任罢工纠察员。
The newsreel people were there, taking pictures of the picket . 新闻摄影记者也在那儿,给纠察队拍照。
It is frequently supported by other weapons, such as picketing and boycott . 通常还有其他武器的支持它,如设立纠察线,和实行抵制活动。
Here has the cunning frenchman been placing a picket directly in our path . 这个狡猾的法国佬,连在这儿咱们要通过的路上,也放着岗哨哩。
On the other, beyond pickets of eucalyptuses, rose the dark mass of a more esoteric rain forest which obscured, presumably, the ocean . 另一侧,比桉树桩更远的地方,冒出一片黑乎乎的,愈发深奥莫测的热带雨林,使得大海似乎显得模糊不清。
About twenty workers picketed outside the gate 约有二十名工人在大门外担任纠察。
Let ' s picket cosco and refuse to by chinese products 没听过)他们(指中国)会怎么做
What ? the next house is gonna have a white picket fence 什么?下个房子有白色的篱笆
picketingとは意味:picketing n. スト破り監視, ピケ. 【動詞+】 ◆allow picketing ピケを容認する ◆ban picketing ピケを禁止する ◆It limited lawful picketing to the picket's own place of work. それは合法的ピケをピケ隊員自身の仕事場に限定した. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆cross picketing (対立す...