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用"physi"造句"physi"怎么读"physi" in a sentence


  • [网络] 物理;物理飞球


  • It's just mental rather than physi-cal
  • A physi-chemical and biochemical process for treatment of gas scrubbing wastewater
  • Quick to send a first-timer back to his aunt jemimah physi-cal, nigga roll with the winners
  • It also has physi-chemical analysis instruments for testing material compositions, metallograph ( analyzing the structure of raw material correctly and clearly )
  • Modeling methods for circuit devices are discussed . physi cal model method and macromodel method are described . physical model of field t ransistors and macromodel of operational amplifiers are given
  • After seven years of experiment and research, the research group presents the c olleagues with valuable reference concerning how to take full advantage of physi cal education institute and make excellents sportsman come in steady stream
  • The physi-chemical properties of the aluminum, in environmental and physical conditions, are the determinants of its bioavailability and toxicity . aluminum absorption and its metabolic kinetics depend on the properties of al-organics complex to a large extent
  • Then, analytical work was carried out as follows : the ultimate analysis and physi-chemical analysis of the pyrolytic oil comprised a sketch of the fuel properties of the oil; then, through the distillation analysis of the oil, the fraction composition of the " unrefined " oil was known . after that, a general knowledge of the aromaticity and saturation of the hydrocarbons in the oil was provided by the outcome of the ft-ir functional group analysis . also, from the analysis, the form of the polar functional groups and their distribution in different fractions of the oil were learned
  • Through the geological survey of no . 1 main-canal project of zhangfeng reservoir, this paper analyzes and evaluates on the landform and geomorphy, physi-geologic phenomena, stratigrasphic-lithologic characteristics, hydro-geologic conditions and geologic structure of the main canal, and the geological conditions of the earthquake zone and the project zone


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