The life cycle begins from spore germination . spore germination is split method in physarales 生活循环始于孢子萌发,萌发方式为裂式。
The cultures of 8 species of myxomycetes, belonging to physarales and trichiales, was proceeded in the laboratory 对分属于绒泡菌目和团毛菌目的8种黏菌进行了实验室培养与研究。
All the mature plasmodia of physarales were typical phaneroplasmodium which exhibit a thick, large fan-shaped advancing edge consisting of a continuous sheet of protoplasm 绒泡菌目黏菌成熟的原质团全部为典型的显型原质团。
Compared to the mature plasmodia of physarales, arcyria cinerea forms a thick, large fan-shaped advancing edge consisting of a continuous sheet of protoplasm which resemble the phaneroplasmodium 灰团网菌与绒泡菌目成熟原质团相同之处在于,具有大型的扇形结构,呈片状,类似于显型原质团。
The experiment observation and research indicate that at the earliest developmental stage of the plasmodium, myxomycetes of physarales and trichiales exist not only difference but also common characteristics 通过观察研究发现,绒泡菌目与团毛菌目黏菌的原质团从发育初期开始,既存在差异又具有共同特征。
The appearance and structure of 7 species of physarales which have been grown in culture, including didymium iridis, are resemble . the plasmodium has a small colorless flatten aspect and a more or less round outline 实验室培养的绒泡菌目七种黏菌的原质团,包括钙皮菌科的黄柄钙皮菌,发育初期均具有相似的形态和结构。
Moist chamber cultures, oat-agar cultures, hanging drop cultures and scanning electron microscope were used to observe and study the life cycles of the myxomycetes . the general regulation, the distinct between physarales and trichiales and the difference among species in the life cycles of the myxomycetes were mastered 应用基物培养技术、燕麦-琼脂技术、悬滴培养及扫描电镜技术研究了黏菌的生活循环,揭示了黏菌生活循环中的共同规律。