I gathered later that he was a photographer . 后来我才明白他是摄影师。
She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer . 她不但是摄影师还是个天才的音乐家。
He is a good photographer . 他擅长摄影。
He led me into an unfamiliar world of fan-mails and press photographers . 他把我带进一个陌生世界,那里到处是书迷的来信和报刊摄影记者。
Henry sat for a portrait by karsh of ottawa, the great canadian photographer . 享利坐下来让加拿大渥太华的一位名摄影家卡什拍了一张相片。
On the heels of the police who investigated the robbery came reporters and photographers . 紧随着调查抢案的警察之后,来了报馆记者及摄影记者。
She knew, without asking, the every available photographer would be dispatched to the scene at once . 她不用问就晓得每一个能出动的摄影记者都会立刻被派往现场采访的。
One of the earlist and certainly the best-known photographer to record action detail was eadweard muybridge . 最早的、无疑也是最著名的一位拍摄动作细节的摄影家是埃德沃德迈布里奇。
The day after the birth of the five children , an airplane arrived in aberdeen bringing sixty reporters and photographers . 五胞胎降生第二天,六十名记者和摄影师乘同一驾飞机飞抵阿拜丁镇。
John , john , you are my favorite photographer 约翰,约翰,你可是我最中意的摄影师
someone who takes photographs professionally 同义词:lensman,
photographerとは意味:photographer n. 写真家, カメラマン. 【+動詞】 ◆The best photographers have photographed her. もっともすぐれた写真家たちが彼女の写真を撮った ◆The photographers snapped away at them. カメラマンがパチパチと彼らのスナップ写真を撮った. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a top advertising...