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用"philharmonie"造句"philharmonie"怎么读"philharmonie" in a sentence


  • [网络] 音乐厅;爱乐乐团;柏林爱乐音乐厅


  • World-renowned hong kong tenor warren mok has performed many leading roles since his european debut in 1987 at the deutsche oper berlin . with a distinguished international career, mok has been making frequent guest appearances throughout the world, including teatro colon in buenos aires, paris opera, teatro dell opera di roma, teatro comunale di bologna, teatro massimo palermo, opera de lyon, the netherlands opera, opera de nice, leipzig opera, royal danish opera, teatro di san carlos lisbon, bolshoi theatre, warsaw opera, teatro di cagliari, abao bilbao, teatro di palma di mallorca, nancy opera france, bergen opera norway, latvian national opera, lithuanian national opera, sydney opera house, hawaii opera theater, and concert halls in new york s carnegie hall, london s royal albert hall, berlin philharmonie, tokyo, seoul, etc . his operatic repertoire exceeds 50 roles including calaf in


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