His persuasiveness was equal to hers . 他的说服的本领也不亚于她。
You ' d better rest up and stockpile some of that persuasiveness 你最好留点精神把你的说服力储存一些
Sales ability persuasiveness 销售能力说服能力
The heart of the wise instructs his mouth and adds persuasiveness to his lips 箴16 : 23智慧人的心、教训他的口、又使他的嘴、增长学问。
The wise in heart will be called understanding , and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness 箴16 : 21心中有智慧、必称为通达人嘴中的甜言、加增人的学问。
The facilitating effects of goal setting on the persuasiveness of writing difficulties students ' persuasive essays 目标设置对写作困难儿童议论文说服力的促进效应研究
In addition , positiveness of consumer prior experctations directly affects perceived persuasiveness of evidence 再者,先前期望之正向性也直接影响证据被知觉之说服力。
Aged 25 years above , mature , poised , good interpersonal skills , extrovert , strong in negotiation and persuasiveness 二十五岁以上,成熟、稳重、交际能力强、外向,有较强的推销和说服能力。
Most interviewers are looking for positive statements , well - expressed ideas , persuasiveness , and clear thinking under pressure 雇主大都希求明确的陈述,表达良好的想法,有说服力的言谈和压力之下清晰的思路。
It was evident that he never thought of what he was saying , or of what he was going to say ; and that gave a peculiar , irresistible persuasiveness to his rapid and genuine intonations 他似乎从不想他说过什么和将要说什么这就是他说得快和语调纯正的原因,因而有特殊的不可抗拒的说服力。
the power to induce the taking of a course of action or the embracing of a point of view by means of argument or entreaty; "the strength of his argument settled the matter" 同义词:strength,