He depressed a bell push and stood where he could be seen from the other side of the door through a tiny one-way peephole . 他按了一下门铃,站在从大门另一边的一个小小的单向窥视孔能看见他的地方。
There was someone standing outside here watching through this peephole 有人站在外面通过这个窥视孔看人
Then muffat was seized with a desire to see ; he put his eye to the peephole 这时缪法想瞧一瞧,便把眼睛贴近一个洞眼。
Make sure your front door has a peephole at a level that everyone in the family can see through 一定要让前门装一个家里人人都能够得着的窥视孔。
Two little women , dressed for the third act , were chatting by the peephole in the curtain 两个身穿戏服准备演第三幕的小娘儿们,在幕布的孔眼前闲聊。
Tip # 1 : a front door with no peephole ? or one that ' s too high ? won ' t provide any security 第一:一扇不装窥视孔-或者装的太高- -的前门一点安全作用也没有。
But the instant she closed the door , she peered through the peephole and saw he was still standing by the gate 然而,她刚一关上房门,就迫不及待地从门镜中向外望去,只见他仍然站在外面的大门旁。
And seeing her thus , as with bending form and with exaggerated hips she came backing toward the count s peephole , he stood upright again , and his face was very white 缪法看见她弯着腰,撅着屁股往后退,方向朝向那个洞眼,他正在那儿观看呢,顿时他直起腰来,脸色变得煞白。
Bordenave drew back the slide over a grated peephole of the kind used in convents . fontan was outside with prulliere and bosc , and all three had bottles under their arms and their hands full of glasses 原来是丰唐来了,他后面还跟着普律利埃尔和博斯克,三个人的腋下都夹着酒瓶,手里拿着酒杯。
At last , this dissertation researches the changing course of the legal status of the private party in our country , and ponders rationally on how to improve the legal status of the private party in our country and perfect the legal systems concerned , and offers a peephole view of my own 最后,文章对我国行政相对人法律地位转换的轨迹进行了研究,并对如何提高我国行政相对人法律地位和完善相关法律制度进行了理性思考,提出了自己的一孔之见。