When a will was discovered near the man's dead body, patricide was suspected 当男尸旁的遗嘱被发现时,人们便怀疑这是一桩杀父案。
While the demise of his monopoly was tantamount to patricide in the eyes of some, the sands and each successive new offering has been embraced by the market 尽管在一些人眼中,打破何鸿?的垄断等同于弑父,但金沙与此后接连开业的新娱乐城得到了市场的欢迎。
The first is the famous paradox of patricide . if one has a time machine, he should be able to use it to go back in time and kill his father before he was conceived, thereby preventing himself from being born 第一类是所谓弑父的矛盾,即如果有人回到他出生前杀了他的父亲,那么,他父亲都死了,又何来有他本人呢?
Baldwin's personal and literary patricides brought about internecine both to wright and himself, but it is an indispensable tache in the african-american literature progress, so its positive significance must never be overlooked “弑父”使赖特和鲍德温两败俱伤,具有浓烈悲剧色彩,但它是美国黑人文学发展过程中的一个必然环节,客观上具有积极意义。