Moistened pasteboard or cloth was inserted between each disc . 每块金属板中间嵌进湿纸板或布料。
A stuffed or pasteboard figure used as a target 人像靶,人形靶填充或用硬纸板制的人形靶
The pasteboard in the fire had turned to grey ash 两人静默了一会,火上的像片已经烧成灰烬了。
This was rather easy to do , for the paper was not much thicker than pasteboard 这很容易做,因为纸并不比纸板厚多少。
Place a pasteboard box or a tee about one inch outside of the ball lined up at the target . hit the ball without hitting the box or the tee 以击球目标方向线为准,在球的外侧一英寸(远离你的身体)放一个梯,或者一条木板。打球不要碰到。
Carl hoffmann jr . offers offers on pasteboard work . packings , see - through pack and folding boxes of cardboard . additionally also on corrugated board packings and cardboard boxes 是一家令客户满意的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如包装、打包、填充物、填料、封装、 ,纸板。
He got up , and put her shoes to dry , and wiped his own and set them near the fire . in the morning he would grease them . he poked the ash of pasteboard as much as possible out of the fire 他站起来,把康妮的鞋拿去烘干,把他自己的擦了一擦,也放到火边去,明天早上他将加点油去把它们擦亮了,他搅着火,把纸灰搅了下去, “甚至烧化了都肮脏。 ”
Next morning , miss scatcherd wrote in conspicuous characters on a piece of pasteboard the word slattern , and bound it like a phylactery round helen s large , mild , intelligent , and benign - looking forehead 第二早上,斯卡查德小姐在一块纸牌上写下了十分醒目的两个字“邋遢” ,像经文护符匣一样,把它系在海伦那宽大温顺聪颖一付善相的额头上。
Whereat he handed round to the company a set of pasteboard cards which he had had printed that day at mr quinnell s bearing a legend printed in fair italics : mr malachi mulligan , fertiliser and incubator , lambay island 适才谈论之治病方案,与穆利根先生之方针不谋而合,因此彼欣然表示兴趣。乃递予众人各一组名片,系当日出自昆内尔先生之印刷厂承印者。