It contains about 100 clusters in 100 mpc mega parsec, a million parsecs 众多星系团又再组成一个横跨1亿秒差距包含100个星系团的
It contains about 100 clusters in 100 mpc mega parsec, a million parsecs 众多星系团又再组成一个横跨1亿秒差距包含100个星系团的
Typically, a cluster of galaxies contains 1000 galaxies within a million parsecs . in a larger scale, clusters group together to form 一个典型的星系团大小约一百万秒差距,包含大约1000个星系。
513km s mpc, ie, for a celestial object 1, 000, 000 parsec away from us, its recession rate is 513km 1 parsec 3.26 light years 513kmsmpc,即一个距离我们一百万秒差距的天体,它的退行速度是每秒513公里一秒差距3.26光年。
513km s mpc, ie, for a celestial object 1, 000, 000 parsec away from us, its recession rate is 513km 1 parsec 3.26 light years 513kmsmpc,即一个距离我们一百万秒差距的天体,它的退行速度是每秒513公里一秒差距3.26光年。
This is the apparent magnitude of an object at some standard distance from us . this standard distance is chosen to be about 32 light years 10 parsecs, see below 绝对星等是恒星距离为约32光年或10秒差距请参阅下一节时的星等。
First, the improvement in the connection building time and improvement based on hypothesis makes the existing smacs protocol suitable for the wsn . and the paper proves this statement by using the parsec software 通过仿真软件ns对smac协议的能耗、延迟、流量等参数进行仿真测试,进一步论证了smac协议的实用性。