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用"paramatta"造句"paramatta"怎么读"paramatta" in a sentence


  • n.


  • The accident occurred on paramatta road during peak hour traffic , which creates a lot of traffic around the scenes of the accident
    这宗意外发生在( p ) ,正当繁忙时间,意外现场导致交通非常挤塞。
  • The 8 companies under urban which obtained the charter are respectively : lei king wan management limited , urban property management limited , international property management limited , paramatta estate management limited , turning technical services limited , urban technical services limited as well as i - urban limited obtained
  • International property management ltd and paramatta estate management ltd respectively received the merit award for best property management company in osh through their implementation of quality practices of workplace safety and health . dr ng tat lun bbs jp , chairman of the occupational safety and health council said , " the competition on best property management companies were first introduced in the construction safety promotional campaign in 2004 to recognize the achievements and outstanding performance of various property management companies , and to heighten the safety awareness of workers in the property management sector
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