Original acquisition comprises making things, taking possession of ownerless things . 原始取得包括造物,占有无主物。
Do you think it would go ownerless in space 你认为在太空地球会无主吗
Many bonafide travellers and ownerless dogs come near him and defile him . mastiansky and citron approach in gaberdines , wearing long earlocks 马斯羌斯基和西特伦穿着宽大长外套,耳后垂着长长的鬈发,走了过来。
Now they are discarding the old idea that wild animals are ownerless , so who hunts them down may have them and work for their protection 现在他们逐渐改变“野生无主,谁猎谁有”的传统观念、投入保护动物的行列。
Do not be tempted to collect ownerless articles on the ground and beware of any strangers who approach you on such an excuse . it may be a fraud 不要贪财,不要捡拾地上不明物品,并提防街上籍此接近你的陌生人,谨防上当受骗。
But in india , you can get a cow at any cost . they just walk around , and maybe you can just take one ; some of them are ownerless , homeless cows 在印度,很容易就可以得到一头牛,那些牛到处游荡,也许你就刚好捉到一只,有些是没有主人的牛无家可归的牛。
He didn t take the love - making altogether personally . he knew it would not change him from an ownerless dog , whom everybody begrudges its golden collar , into a comfortable society dog 因为他知道这恋爱是不会把他从一只无主的狗从一只带着金颈圈而受人怨骂的无主狗,变成一只享福的上流家的狗的。
Protected wildlife which has no owner or is vagrant , or protected wildlife products which are ownerless shall be dealt with by the authorities . the authorities may commission a related agency or organization to take in , temporarily care for , administer first - aid to , protect or destroy the animals or products 无主或流荡之保育类野生动物及无主之保育类野生动物产制品,主管机关应迳为处理,并得委托有关机关或团体收容、暂养、救护、保管或销毁。