Chinese medicine and clomiphene treat dysfunctional ovulatory acyesis 中药加克罗米酚治疗排卵功能障碍性不孕的临床观察
Clinical observation of quot; cupai decoction quot; in treating 51 cases of ovulatory dysfunction 育嗣汤治疗少精弱精症300例
Laparoscopy combined with hysteroscopy applied to diagnose and treat the ovulatory infertile female 宫腹腔镜联合诊治有排卵性不孕症
Now , new research finds iron may be associated with the risk of ovulatory infertility 如今,新研究发现铁可能与排卵性不孕的风险相关。
The appearance with prominent subnuclear vacuoles in cells forming the glands is consistent with post - ovulatory day 2 腺上皮细胞出现明显的核下空泡,图像符合排卵后第二天子宫内膜表现。