She fell overboard and the sharks got her . 她从船上跌落水中,被鲨鱼咬了。
What did you figure to do when you drove overboard with the gaff ? 你拿着鱼叉跳下水的那会儿,你考虑过该怎么干吗?
The crew threw everything movable overboard to lighten the plane . 为了减轻飞机重量,机上的人员把一切可以移动的东西都扔出机舱。
We made alassio in the evening, lay to, hauled up our winecasks, and have them overboard . 傍晚,我们就到了阿拉西奥,船停泊后,我们便把酒桶吊起来放在水面上。
I stepped forward to where the moor was, and took him by surprise with my arm under his twist, and tossed him clear overboard into the sea . 我跨到那摩耳人身边,冷不防用手把他拦腰一抱,一下子掼到海里。
Well, it was noble to see launcelot and the boys swarm up onto that scaffold, and heave sheriffs and such overboard . 哎,郎斯洛特带领着众儿郎,如蜂似蚁的上了那个绞刑架,把郡长之类的人一个个从上面扔下来,颇为壮观。
Specification for double drive emergency overboard vaive 双面传动应急舷侧阀规范
Small craft - man - overboard prevention and recovery 小艇防止人员落水和重新登艇
Small craft - man - overboard prevention and recovery 小艇.人员落水的预防和救护
Don ' t you think you ' re going overboard these days 你不觉得最近有点过头了?