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用"out-plane"造句"out-plane"怎么读"out-plane" in a sentence


  • 面外


  • Out - plane stability of tapered beam - columns with hinged - hinged end
  • Parameter analysis for out - plane global stability of space lattice tilted column frame
  • The motion of in - plane and out - plane are coupled each other . the existence of nonlinearities and symmetry between the dynamics of the in - plane and out - plane directions produce energy exchange between the two modes
  • As an absolutely new textile composite material , stitch / rtm composites has a very bright practice potential due to its excellent out - plane performance and its relatively low manufacture cost
    作为一种崭新的纺织复合材料,缝合/ rtm复合材料由于具有优良的面外性能和相对低的制造成本,在工程上具有很好的应用前景。
  • Applying simplified method and multi - scale method , the coupling vibration of the in - plane and outplane is studied . and the in - plane and out - plane vibration couples can be discovered when the cable ? parameters satisfy certain conditions . in chapter 4
  • First thing is to use a suitable green " function , which is a essential solution of displacement field for the elastic half space with a half circular lining , which impacted by out - plane harmonic line source loading at horizontal surface
  • Two spherical waves and multiple spherical waves interference , and yang ' s interference experiments are simulated by using different methods . two spherical waves interference is focused on the on - plane or out - plane of the spot light source plane and the observing plane . then , we analyze how the temporal coherence of optical waves influence the contrast of the interference pattern
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