However, across the border the shi'ite kingdom of persia under abbas the great was quite prepared to ally with european states against the ottomans . 然而,在边界那边阿拨斯大王统下的波斯什叶派王国,已完全准备好与欧洲国家联合反对奥斯曼人。
India can ally with the british , portuguese , french , and ottomans 印度可以和英国,葡,法和土结盟。
Saleem , a former governing council president also known as abdel - zahraa othman , was killed may 18 in a car bombing in baghdad 萨利姆,前伊拉克临管会主席3月18日在巴格达死于汽车爆炸。
Well into the 19th century , the ottomans were far more hospitable than the rest of europe to religious minorities 进入十九世纪之后,奥斯曼民族在变得比欧洲其他国家更加容易接受少数宗教信仰。
Some of them threw themselves in half - reclining positions on the sofas and ottomans : some bent over the tables and examined the flowers and books : the rest gathered in a group round the fire : all talked in a low but clear tone which seemed habitual to them 有些人一下子坐下来,斜倚在沙发和卧榻上有的俯身向着桌子,细细揣摩起花和书来,其余的人则团团围着火炉。大家都用低沉而清晰的调子交谈着,似乎这已成了她们的习惯。
Yet it was merely a very pretty drawing - room , and within it a boudoir , both spread with white carpets , on which seemed laid brilliant garlands of flowers ; both ceiled with snowy mouldings of white grapes and vine - leaves , beneath which glowed in rich contrast crimson couches and ottomans ; while the ornaments on the pale parian mantelpiece were of sparkling bohemian glass , ruby red ; and between the windows large mirrors repeated the general blending of snow and fire 两间房子都铺着白色的地毯,地毯上仿佛摆着鲜艳夺目的花环。天花板上都浇铸着雪白的葡萄和葡萄叶子。与它恰成对比的是,天花板下闪烁着绯红的睡椅和床榻,灰白色的帕罗斯岛大理石壁炉架上,摆着波希米亚闪光玻璃装饰物,像红宝石一般火红。