They rafted down the river to new orleans . 他们乘木筏顺流而下到新奥尔良。
The new orleans police would by now be alerted . 新奥尔良的警察现在可能已处于待命状态。
Well, will you save orleans for us, with all your bullying ? 你既然这么霸道,你去解救奥尔良好吗?
The young colored population of new orleans were much given to flirting . 新奥尔良的年轻的黑人居民很喜欢卖弄风情。
By now, ogilvie was probably back in new orleans and being interrogated . 奥格尔维现在可能已被带回新奥尔良,正在受审问。
This mardi gras pageant was the exclusive possession of new orleans until recently . 这种马尔第格拉斯化装游行直到新近为止,向来是新奥尔良所特有的盛会。
The heavily jowled face of the ex-policeman--years before he had served on the new orleans force . 这位下巴尽是垂肉的前警察--几年前他在新奥尔良警察队里工作。
The river rises in the north near lake superior, and empties into the gulf of mexico at new orleans . 这条河发源于北方的苏必利尔湖附近,在新奥尔良注入墨西哥湾。
And now, while the distant dome and spires of new orleans rise to our view, there is yet time for an introduction to miss ophelia . 这时,新奥尔良的圆屋顶和塔尖已经遥遥在望,我们还有点时间来介绍一下奥菲丽亚小姐。
Like i roam my block so it s like , mistah new orleans 跟著我继绩复诵爱情条约二