The metaphase plate would thus be the null point between two equal but oppositely directed and acting groups of kinetochore tubules . 中期板大概是两个相等而方向相反的放射状着丝点微管群之间的平衡点。
In an aerosol containing equal numbers of charged particles of both signs, the diffusive encounters for oppositely charged particles are more effective than for uncharged particles . 若气溶胶中含有等量正负带电粒子,那么正负带电粒子间的扩散碰撞比非带电粒子更容易实现。
The development of a new type of oppositely rolling roller crusher 新型对辊破碎机的研究设计
Thinking oppositely about the pattern of 模式的反思
Security is a term that oppositely , there is no information systems that are absolutely safe 安全是相对的,不存在绝对安全的信息系统。
Oppositely , when we are happy , we often choose to wear brightly colored clothes 相反,当我们心情愉快时,我们常常会选择颜色鲜亮的衣服。
Oppositely , i think the ad of dumex powdered milk is a perfect originality 通过一块蛋糕, 9个小朋友分享来说明喝多美滋奶粉的小朋友既聪明又有爱心。
But after met you , the first sight made mountain slided , land cracked , water flowing oppositely only by 但是见到你之后,仅仅第一眼就使得山崩地裂水倒流。
Independence travel , from cambodia to vietnam or oppositely . and phnom penh to angkor , saigon to honai 自助旅游,路线:从柬埔寨到越南;金边到吴哥,西贡到河内。
The cable been lowered leads to asymptotic stability of the system . oppositely , the system is unstable if the cable been hoisted 索长增加时系统渐近稳定,索长减小时系统失稳。