Oliva is the key man in the midfield and the striker 奥利瓦是中场核心和射手。
" oliva corsinari . " a marchioness ? “一位侯爵的小姐? ”
You are the son of the marchese cavalcanti and the marchesa oliva corsinari 你是卡瓦尔康蒂侯爵和奥丽伐高塞奈黎侯爵小姐的儿子。
" the certificate of your marriage with oliva corsinari , and the register of your child s birth . “您和奥丽伐高塞奈黎结婚的证书,你们的孩子的出生登记证。 ”
These pictures were designed and developed by mr . phillippe g . schyns and aude oliva of the university of glasgow 这是格拉斯哥大学的菲利普先生和奥利维先生设计的奇异图片。
" you married oliva corsinari in the church of san paolo del monte - cattini ; here is the priest s certificate . “您是在凯铁尼山圣保罗教堂里和奥丽伐高塞奈黎结婚的,这是教士的证书。 ”
Oliva , t . a . , r . l . oliver , and i . macmilian ( 1992 ) , “ a catastrophe model for developing service satisfaction strategies , ” journal of marketing , vol . 56 , pp . 83 - 92 尚郁慧(民87 ) ,本国一般银行顾客满意度与忠程度关系之研究,未出版硕士论文,淡江大学管理科学研究所。
M . andrea at his departure inherited all the papers which proved that he had indeed the honor of being the son of the marquis bartolomeo and the marchioness oliva corsinari 他离开的时候,他把所有的证明文件都交给安德烈先生,证实后者的确是巴陀罗术奥侯爵和奥丽伐高塞奈黎侯爵小姐的儿子。
But the basque side were plunged into chaos on thursday when outspoken club president dimitry piterman sacked coach juan carlos oliva after just a month at the helm . only two weeks ago barcelona were 12 points clear at the top of the table , but successive defeats against atletico madrid and second - placed valencia have cut the gap to six 相比起皇马目前的上升态势,西甲“领头羊”巴塞罗那队近期连续输给了马德里竞技以及目前排名第2的瓦伦西亚队,使其积分优势从原先的领先第2名12分下降到了目前的6分。