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用"oktoberfest"造句"oktoberfest"怎么读"oktoberfest" in a sentence


  • 慕尼黑啤酒节
  • 啤酒节(德国十月节,10月10日)


  • Yes , i would like to attend oktoberfest
  • We are delighted that you will be joining us for oktoberfest
  • They come to celebrate oktoberfest , probably the largest public festival in the world
  • River town , wild animal safari , oktoberfest and coney island are theme areas at kings island in cincinnati
  • There is a german - themed restaurant , inspired by abramovich ' s visit to the oktoberfest in munich five years ago
  • The first oktoberfest was held in 1810 to celebrate the wedding of prince ludwig , who later became king ludwig i of bavaria
  • The lively atmosphere of culinary enjoyment and live music in typical bavarian setting is especially contagious over the annual oktoberfest event that last practically a whole month
  • Budget accommodation , easy palace , new youth hotel hostel in munich city center , close to train station and oktoberfest , hostel , bed breakfast , student and backpacker economy hotel , dorm beds from 14 , 90 , singles from 50 , doubles from 69 , online booking
    座落在慕尼黑市中心,主火车站及啤酒节举办地附近的易达青年旅店经济实惠,出行方便,床位16 . 9欧元起价,单人间50欧元起价,双人间在线预订69欧元起价
  • Cancellations of bookings for oktoberfest and other big events in munich are not possible . if such booking should be cancelled , the entire value of the booking is to be paid , less the savings for cleaning , food , or the revenue for rooms that easy palace could let to 3rd parties . cancellations of reservations from easy palace must be well - founded and confirmed in writing at least two weeks before arrival . house rules
    慕尼黑十月啤酒节期间及其他大型展会期间的预订不能取消,即使住客取消预订或不办入住手续也要支付全款住宿费,其中我们将扣除有关节省费用10 - 20 %清洁费,生活用品等或住客能找到其他替代顾客,可将能弥补的损失扣除。


Oktoberfest is a 16-day festival celebrating beer held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, running from late September to the first weekend in October. It is one of the most famous events in Germany and is the world's largest fair, with more than 6 million people from around the world attending the event every year.
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