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  • 例句与用法
  • Ofsted office for standards in education
  • Ofsted urged schools to provide embarrassed parents with material to help explain the facts of life to their children
  • At the end of 20 century , ofsted amended the framework of inspecting schools frequently and made it matur and perfect
  • So - called " personal , social and health education " was still patchy in many primary and secondary schools , ofsted said in a review of inspection reports from 2001 to 2006
  • Ofsted continued : " as well as failing to provide the information themselves , some parents express concern about the suitability of information young people receive from other sources
    此外, “家长们一方面自己不向孩子提供这方面的信息,同时有些家长又担心孩子从其他渠道获取的信息是否合适。 ”
  • Polls of pupils by the schools health education unit for ofsted showed : " parents were generally less likely than previously to be seen as the main source of advice ; the decline has been particularly marked for year 8 12 - yearold girls .
    下属的学校健康教育小组对小学生进行的一项调查显示, “家长不再像以前那样被视为建议的主要提供者这种改变在八年级12岁的女孩中表现得尤为明显。 ”
  • Anecdotal evidence suggests that many schools are prioritising spending on ict ( information and communication technology ) over books , not only because it impresses parents but also because it can trigger a favourable rating from the government ' s education watchdog , ofsted
  • Education watchdog ofsted office for standard in education said today problem pages in publications such as cosmo girl and sugar - and " lads " mags " including nuts and zoo - are a " very positive source of advice and reassurance for many young people "
    据英国教育监管部门独立教育标准办公室ofsted介绍,如今,都市女孩和甜心等出版物,以及nuts和zoo等男性杂志中的答疑栏目成了“许多年轻人寻求建议和安慰的一个十分积极的渠道” 。
  • An official report warns . education watchdog ofsted office for standard in education said today problem pages in publications such as cosmo girl and sugar - and " lads " mags " including nuts and zoo - are a " very positive source of advice and reassurance for many young people "
    据英国教育监管部门独立教育标准办公室ofsted介绍,如今,都市女孩和甜心等出版物,以及nuts和zoo等男性杂志中的答疑栏目成了“许多年轻人寻求建议和安慰的一个十分积极的渠道” 。
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