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用"ochiai"造句"ochiai"怎么读"ochiai" in a sentence


  • 多林斯克
  • 落合


  • The adachi institute of woodcut print , 3 - 13 - 17 shimo - ochiai , shinjuku - ku , tokyo 161 - 0033
    东京都新宿区下落合3 - 13 - 17 adachi版画研究所内
  • And masayuki ochiai s infection came out last year in 2004 as the first wave with the rest coming soon in the future
  • Masayuki ochiai , who understands clearly his own strengths , sacrifices the opportunity to build up a story with intricate web or chains of characters , but rather spends most of his time rendering and refining his scenes , making them as captivating and unforgettable as possible
  • Masayuki ochiai , who understands clearly his own strengths , sacrifices the opportunity to build up a story with intricate web or chains of characters , but rather spends most of his time rendering and refining his scenes , making them as captivating and unforgettable as possible
  • X2 test with 2 2 contingency table and ochiai indices were used to analyze the interspecific association of 12 dominant species of meadow community and 20 dominant species of scrub community and 18 dominant species of tree community . pearson ' s correlation coefficient and spearman ' s rank correlation coefficient were also applied to calculate correlations between species
    在该地区植被的优势种的种间关系的研究方面,运用2 2列联表、 x ~ 2检验方法对群落优势种进行总体相关性和种对间的联结性检验,利用共同出现百分率jaccord指数测定种对间的关联度,应用pearson相关系数和spearman秩相关系数刻画种对间的数量变化关系。
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