ocams On-Board Check-Out And Monitoring System 机上检查与监控系统
ocadaic acid 《英文msh词典》Ocadaic Acid ; [入口词] Ocadaic Acid ; [主题词] Okadaic Acid ; [药动学] Ionophores ; [英文释义] A specific inhibitor of phosphoserine/threonine protein phosphatase 1 and 2a. It is also a potent tumor promoter. (Thromb Res 1992;67(4):345-54 & Cancer Res 1993;53(2):239-41)
ocar [=occlusion of the central artery of the retina]视网膜中央动脉闭塞
John max skaller s vyper language was intended to be an enhanced python, implemented in ocaml johnmaxskaller的vyper语言打算作为一种增强的python,它是用ocaml实现的。
Vyper is implemented in ocaml which uses the machine stack; this must be avoided, since stack switching for handling many clients at once from a server is extremely expensive (欢迎将它合并到您自己的应用程序中。)非常重要的是一旦绑定了热键,它们就eval()
One upshot that was hoped for in the project was compilation to the same machine code ocaml generates, which is generally comparable with the speed of c . unfortunately, vyper is a dead project, and a compiling version was never completed 这个项目中希望得到的结果是编译出与ocaml生成的机器码相同的机器码,该机器码通常能和c的速度相媲美。遗憾的是,vyper是个夭折的项目,从未完成编译版本。
We d better start with the hardest question : " what is functional programming, anyway ? " one answer would be to say that fp is what you do when you program in languages like lisp, scheme, haskell, ml, ocaml, clean, mercury, or erlang or a few others 本专栏将进一步深入研究这一概念性相当强的领域。对于我们的研究,brynkeller的“xoltar工具包”将提供有用的帮助。keller把很多fp的优势都集中在一个包括纯python技术执行的小巧模块中。
Odyssee is an exploitation of ocaml language basically . we analyzed the source code of this tool on the base of in-depth comprehension of ocaml, main including the definition part of data types, the public function part, the accidence and syntax analysis parts odyssee微分工具基本上是由ocaml语言开发的,本文在深入了解这种语言的基础上对odyssee的代码进行了分析,主要分析了代码的数据类型定义部分、公共调用函数部分以及词法分析和语法分析部分。
Odyssee is an exploitation of ocaml language basically . we analyzed the source code of this tool on the base of in-depth comprehension of ocaml, main including the definition part of data types, the public function part, the accidence and syntax analysis parts odyssee微分工具基本上是由ocaml语言开发的,本文在深入了解这种语言的基础上对odyssee的代码进行了分析,主要分析了代码的数据类型定义部分、公共调用函数部分以及词法分析和语法分析部分。