observance n. 1.(法律、义务、仪式等的)遵守 (of)。 2.仪式;(宗教)典礼;纪念,庆祝。 3.习惯,惯例。 4.〔古语〕恭顺。 5.教规,戒律。 6.〔罕用语〕注意,观察。 the observance of the emperor's birthday 皇帝祝寿大典。 the observance of the Sabbath 守安息日〔宗教信徒在主日停止工作,基督教徒为星期日,犹太教徒为星期六〕。 observance of national sovereignty 尊重国家主权。 observance of territorial integrity 尊重领土完整。
All the fiber cables entering the optical distribution frame should marked the related information observably 所有进出光纤分配架的光纤,都要按在醒目位置标明相关信息。
1 , the intubation operation is finished in visible circumstance , so the degree of difficulty of intubation is reduced observably 1 .在可视状态下进行插管,可显著降低插管难度
Results : the content of total phosphatide , total polysaccharides and total saponins are all decreased observably after sulphur fumed 结果:硫熏后百合的总磷脂、总多糖及总皂苷含量都明显降低。
With the number of private cars in cities growing rapidly , a series of problems emerged seriously and observably 随着私家车在我国城市的迅速普及,私家车所带来的一系列现实问题开始逐步凸显,并日益严重。
This machine adopts two species of drillingtechnique of direct and reverse circulation , the efficiency enhances observably in the process of ovum , gravel and rock layer construction 该机可采用正反循环两种钻进工艺,在卵、砾、岩层施工中,效率显著提高。
It leads to the following main conclusion that luyang bridge to be built would not affect observably the characters of the current field in hangzhou bay 可以得出以下主要结论:芦洋跨海大桥的建设对杭州湾潮流场的影响不大,不会影响整个杭州湾的潮流场特征。
When the bias voltage of substrate exceed - 60v , the value of ku increase observably . and when the bias voltage exceed - 120v , the value of ku tend to be in saturation 基片偏压超过- 60v以后, tbco薄膜ku值开始显著上升,偏压超过- 120v以后, ku值开始趋向饱和。
Examples studies show that the strategy can lead to a reasonable test set which can increase the veracity of estimate . this strategy can be applied easily and improve the effect of al application observably 实例证明该策略效果明显,能够很大程度上降低样本分配的盲目性,能显著地改善神经网络技术应用效果,具有重要科研价值。
Integral stability capacity of rolled beam is more 10 % ~ 20 % than welded beam . at the same time , the inelastic integral stability capacity of wild rolled h - section ( hw ) steel beam is more superior observably than hn steel beam 弹塑性稳定范围,轧制梁比焊接梁大约多10 20的安全储备,且宽翼缘轧制h型钢的整体稳定性能高于窄翼缘轧制h型钢。
The big memory requirement is the important obstacle in 3d wavelet transformation , the algorithm of phased temporal wavelet transformation in this dissertation can reduce the system memory requirement observably 系统的存储量巨大一直是三维小波变换方法走向实用化的重要障碍,本文提出的基于准三维小波变换的时间轴分级变换算法,能有效地降低系统的存储量。