New york ranked sixth , followed by istanbul in turkey , cape town in south africa , oaxaca in mexico and san francisco 纽约排名第六,随后分别是土耳其的伊斯坦布尔、南非的开普敦、墨西哥的瓦哈卡及美国的旧金山。
New york ranked sixth , followed by istanbul in turkey , cape town in south africa , oaxaca in mexico and san francisco 纽约此次排在了第六名,之后的排名则由土耳其的伊斯坦布尔,南非的开普顿,墨西哥的瓦哈卡以及旧金山瓜分。
Maria sabina was a shaman or priestess poet of the mazatec language who used her chants to heal the ills of villagers in the mountains of oaxaca , mexico 玛瑞娅.萨比娜是墨西哥马萨特克语的萨满,或称女巫师。她用她的歌谣为山民治病。
Our meditation center invited fellow initiates from our sister cities - mexico city , puebla , oaxaca and cancun - for a 2 - day retreat 维拉古鲁斯讯我们小中心首次邀请墨西哥市普埃布拉欧阿萨卡和坎昆等姊妹市的同修来和我们一起打禅二。
" preventing emerging diseases through biodiversity conservation is far more cost effective than developing vaccines to combat them later , " it said ahead of a november 9 - 10 conference of 700 biodiversity experts in oaxaca , mexico 他们还说, “通过保持生物多样性来预防那些已经初现端倪的疾病,远比事后再研发疫苗更为经济划算” 。
Finally , using oaxaca and cotton decomposition methods , the research finds that the unexplained part of gender wage gap increased dramatically , from 25 % in 1989 to about 70 % in the 1990s 最后,本文利用oaxaca及cotton的分解方法对性别工资差异中的不能解释部分(即歧视)进行研究,结果显示从1989到1997年性别工资差异中的歧视部分显著扩大。