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用"nouvel"造句"nouvel"怎么读"nouvel" in a sentence


  • 努韦尔


  • At the birth of shiloh nouvel jolie - pitt , pitt was there to cut her umbilical cord
  • The website of the magazine nouvel observateur reported that sarkozy had written to his former wife - - quote - - " if you come back , i ' ll call it all off . " mr
    新观察家杂志网站报导说,萨尔科齐在给前妻的短信中写道: “如果你回来,我将取消婚礼” 。
  • In december last year , brad became the children ' s official adopted father , and in may this year angelina gave birth to the couple ' s first biological child shiloh nouvel
  • In december last year , pitt became the children ' s official adopted father , and in may this year angelina gave birth to the couple ' s first biological * child , shiloh nouvel
  • In december last year , brad became the children ' s official adopted father , and in may this year angelina gave birth to the couple ' s first biological child shiloh nouvel
  • In december last year , brad became the children ' s official adopted father , and in may this year angelina gave birth to the couple ' s first biological child shiloh nouvel . top ten cutest celebrity kids
  • In december last year , brad became the children s official adopted father , and in may this year angelina gave birth to the couple s first biological child shiloh nouvel . top ten cutest celebrity kids : 1
  • In december last year , brad became the children ' s official adopted father , and in may this year angelina gave birth to the couple ' s first biological child shiloh nouvel . top ten cutest celebrity kids : 1
  • In second place was a hollywood star trend of giving babies unusual names like suri , the name of the daughter of tom cruise and katie holmes , and shiloh nouvel , the daughter of angelina jolie and brad pitt
    位居第二的是好莱坞影星给他们的下一代起“怪名”的趋势,比如,汤姆?克鲁斯和凯蒂?赫尔姆斯给他们女儿起名为"苏芮" ,安吉利娜?茱丽和布拉德?皮特给女儿起名为夏洛伊?诺维尔。
  • Even as people magazine announced it had landed exclusive north american rights to the first pictures of the baby , a purported image of the newborn shiloh nouvel jolie - pitt and her parents popped up on at least two web sites as the cover shot for british - based weekly hello
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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