Every tree, every hedge is a nosegay . 每一棵树,每一片篱笆,是一束芬芳的花朵。
Will you fetch me my shawl and my nosegay 你能帮我拿一下我的披肩和花吗?
It was a human storm , made up of a thunder of cries , and a hail of sweetmeats , flowers , eggs , oranges , and nosegays 这是一场人为的风暴,如雷般的叫喊,千万人的欢呼,鲜花,蛋壳,种子和花球所组成。
From the holiday gaieties of the field - the white gowns , the nosegays , the willow - wands , the whirling movements on the green , the flash of gentle sentiment towards the stranger - to the yellow melancholy of this one - candled spectacle , what a step 从田野里节日的欢乐白色的长袍,一束束鲜花,垂柳的枝条,草地上旋转的舞步,对陌生人生出来的柔情到一支蜡烛的昏黄暗淡的景象,这是多么巨大的差异啊!
Marian had lowered herself upon his arm and shoulder as directed , and angel strode off with her , his slim figure , as viewed from behind , looking like the mere stem to the great nosegay suggested by hers . they disappeared round the curve of the road , and only his sousing footsteps and the top ribbon of marian s bonnet told where they were 玛丽安按照克莱尔的吩咐,伏在他的肩上,让他用胳膊抱着走过去,他的身材又高又瘦,从后面看过去,就好像一根花枝,抱着的玛丽安就像是上面的一束鲜花。
From every street and every corner drove carriages filled with clowns , harlequins , dominoes , mummers , pantomimists , transteverins , knights , and peasants , screaming , fighting , gesticulating , throwing eggs filled with flour , confetti , nosegays , attacking , with their sarcasms and their missiles , friends and foes , companions and strangers , indiscriminately , and no one took offence , or did anything but laugh 大家尖声喊叫着,打打闹闹,装腔作势,满天飞舞着装满了面粉的蛋壳,五颜六色的纸,花球,用他们的冷言冷语和种种可投掷的物品到处攻击人,也不分是敌是友,是同伴是陌生人,谁都不动气,大家都只是笑。
an arrangement of flowers that is usually given as a present 同义词:bouquet, corsage, posy,
A nosegay, tussie-mussie, or posy is a small flower bouquet, typically given as a gift. They have existed in some form since at least medieval times, when they were carried or worn around the head or bodice.