nonsensing n. ; 胡说,废话 ; 胡闹,愚蠢的举动(或见解等) ; 荒谬;荒谬的事情 ; 无用之物,无价值的东西 ; 无意义;无意义之事 ; adj. ; 无意义的,荒谬的 ; 【生物学】含有无意义密码的 ; interj. ; 胡说! 废话! ; 短语: ; make (a) nonsense of ; 使混乱不堪,搅乱 ; stand no nonsense from someone ; [口语]不许某人胡说八道;不让某人干愚事(或胡闹) ; take the nonsense out of someone ; 让某人的举止(或见解)合情合理
nonsensity Noun for bloody useless, absurd, ridiculous, crazy stuff that is usually a lot of fun. ; ; To uptight people, nonsensities are dismissed (usually with a [hoity-toity] British accent) as rubbish and not worthy of their intelligence, time and attention. ; ; To people who use it playfully to refer to themselves or something they like, there is an element of fondness or [self-deprecation] present. ; ; "Nonsensities" is a word more nonsensical than "[nonsense]" because it has twice the number of syllables, and more nonsensical than "[nonsensicality]" because it is (surprisingly) unlisted on several major online dictionaries (despite returning more than 10,000 Google search hits) and therefore officially unrecognised as a legitimate word and truly regarded as nonsensical. ; ; It is usually used in its plural form, because "nonsensity" is not nonsensical enough. Contrast with the word "[niceties]". ; ; But don't take my word for any of this, I am merely spewing nonsensities. ; > If you look beyond his nonsensities you will find that he is actually quite a sensitive and caring guy. ;
We reconstruct the dynamic images using the data measured from our physical phantom . the bfgs variable metric method is nonsensitive to noise, the result background is even on the whole . the objects in the images are clear 基于物理模型的实测数据的成像结果表明:bfgs变尺度法抗噪性能较好,图像的背景比较均匀,目标清晰;目标图像的大小与实际大小接近,定位较准确。