| | of sb and that there exists a positive nondecreasing function ( a ) , a > 0 , such that with some k , r , b > 0 . then assuming also that ( ) is a regularly varying function at zero , or at infinity , with a positive exponent , [ l ] has proved large deviation results for increments like sup sup | | ( t + s ) - ( t ) | | , which then used to establish module of continuity and large increment estimates for ( ) 假设存在正的非降的函数( a ) , a 0 ,使得对某个k , , 0 ,有成立,还假设( ? )是带有一个正指数,在零点正则变化的函数,文[ 1 ]中给出并证明了形如的增量的有关结论,并由此建立了( ? )的大增量及连续模的极限定理。