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用"non-neutrality"造句"non-neutrality"怎么读"non-neutrality" in a sentence


  • 非中立性


  • Non - neutrality in system transition : a new perspective of social transformation in china
  • Monetary policy is a short - run policy of " adaptive strategy " in essence . monetary long - term neutrality ca n ' t influence the policy effectiveness of the monetary short - term non - neutrality
  • Abstract : the arbitrament to scientific character of tcm should be on basis of the non - neutrality measure of value . by analyse the history and future of tcm , we must change our original views of science to expand the field of tcm in future
  • Main contributions are as follows : by elasticity analysis approach , this thesis compares the empirical economic data of united states , canada and china , concludes that monetary policy is short - run non - neutrality and long - run neutrality
  • In the viewpoint of prevailing monetary economics , the theoretical basis of implementing monetary policy are theories of the non - neutrality of monetary policy and the exogeneity of money supply . but the theory of exogenous money supply ca n ' t explain the ubiquitous phenomena of endogenous money supply in the field of economy , for example , there exists evident asymmetry when combating inflation and deflation applying monetary policy . this has rendered the theory of exogenous money supply to face a severe challenge of economy reality increasingly
  • According to whether marketing activities would lead to the external cost besides of the marketing expenses , the thesis defines marketing neutrality and points out marketing essentially is a process to achieve the value of exchange with the lowest exchange expenditure . the author hold marketing non - neutrality is only such a superficial phenomenon that distorts the substance of marketing , and it will exert external influences to economy , such as wasting resources , restaining competition , and so on
    拟从营销活动是否会干扰经济、社会的正常运行,是否会引致营销支出之外的外部成本来界定营销中性,并运用经济学的微观分析揭示营销本质是“以最低的交易费用,实现价值交换” 。
  • In my paper , after analyzing the subsistent issues and the maladjustment of tax policies , integrating the situation of our country and the practical complexion as a developing nation , i discuss that we should preserve the regulations of relating to the tax neutrality and tax non - neutrality to improve and optimize tax policies , tax regulations , tax laws and tax systems when our country enters to the wto
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