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用"nitrofurantoin"造句"nitrofurantoin"怎么读"nitrofurantoin" in a sentence"nitrofurantoin"的同义词


  • 丹塔呋
  • 硝化呋喃托英
  • 硝酸甘油
  • 硝呋妥因
  • 呋喃妥因,呋喃旦啶,硝基呋妥因,硝基呋喃妥因,泌尿康钠
  • 呋喃妥英


  • Most of these studies were performed early in the antimicrobial era , with nitrofurantoin and sulfonamides being the most common antimicrobials
  • 3 . nitrofurantoin resistance remained low amongst most of the urinary pathogens , with the exception of proteus spp . , which are inherently resistant to nitrofurantoin
    3 .除了变形杆菌种具先天的喃妥因抗药性之外,大部份泌尿道病原体对喃妥因抗药性都维持低水平。
  • 3 . nitrofurantoin resistance remained low amongst most of the urinary pathogens , with the exception of proteus species , which are inherently resistant to nitrofurantoin
    3 .除了变形杆菌种具先天的喃妥因抗药性之外,大部份泌尿道病原体对喃妥因抗药性都维持低水平。
  • Method for the determination of the metabolite residues of furaltadon , nitrofurazone , nitrofurantoin and furazolidone in honey - liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry method
  • Of the isolates tested , the percentage of strains resistant to nitrofurantoin was not applicable according to the national committee for clinical laboratory standards or not performed
    没有对喃妥因的抗药性进行测试或根据美国national committee for clinical laboratory ,对喃妥因的抗药性测试是不适用的。
  • A prospectie , randomized study of continuous antimicrobial therapy to the end of pregnancy compared with 14 days of nitrofurantoin or sulfamethizole , followed by weekly urine culture screening and re - treatment if bacteriuria recurred , reported similar outcomes for the 2 treatment groups [ 65 ]


  • derivative of nitrofuran used as an antibacterial medicine (trade name Macrodantin) effective against a broad range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; used to treat infections of the urinary tract

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