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用"nissl"造句"nissl"怎么读"nissl" in a sentence


  • 尼斯尔


  • In this model , it was found that the main pathological changes of the exposed brains included lyses of nissl substance in neurons of cerebral cortex , neuronal ischemic changes , white matter swelling , capillary hyperemia or ischemia
  • Immunohistochemistry staining showed that induced different - passage mscs expressed neurofilament ( nf ) and neuron - specific enolase ( nse ) . special nissl bodies were obvious in the neuron - like cells by histochemistry staining
    免疫组化法检测发现这些神经细胞强表达神经丝蛋白( neurofilament , nf )和神经元特异性烯醇化酶( neuron - specificenolase , nse ) :组织化学法检测可见神经元特有结构尼氏体。
  • Passage 2 , 5 and 8 of umbilical cord blood mscs were induced to differentiate into neuroncytes . the results indicated that about 70 % of cells exhibited typical neuron - like phenotype . immunohistochemistry staining revealed that induced different - passage mscs expressed nf and nse ; special nissl body was obvious in the neuron - like cells by histochemistry staining
    取扩增第2 、 5和8代的msc分别向神经细胞诱导,诱导后的细胞平均有70左右呈现典型的神经元表型,免疫组化法检测发现不同代数的msc诱导后均表达nf和nse ;组织化学法检测可见神经元特有结构尼氏体。


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