His picture appeared in time without insult and in newsweek with praise . 他的照片在《时代》周刊登出时,没有遭到任何贬责,《新闻周刊》还对他大加赞扬。
Due to the tireless efforts of walter murphy in public relations, the mustang was featured simultaneously on the covers of both time and newsweek . 在公众关系部的沃尔特墨菲不遗余力的策划下,《时代周刊》和《新闻周刊》同时以野马为封面图案。
I am / he is peter johnson , reporter for newsweek 约翰?彼得, 《纽约周报》的记者。
My sister - in - law is a journalist on newsweek 我的弟妇是《新闻周刊》的记者。
For 18 years he had a column in newsweek 弗里德曼为《新闻周刊》撰写了18年的专栏。
Have you get the latest issue of newsweek 你们有最近一期的《新闻周刊》吗?
For 18 years he had a columnin newsweek 18年来,他保持为《新闻周刊》撰写专栏文章。
People want photographs , they can buy newsweek 人们想看照片他们会去买《新闻周刊》 。
Newsweek published a letter i sent in 新闻周刊刊载我寄去的一封信。
I read in newsweek how economically depressed places 我在新闻周刊上读过越是在经济低迷的地方