

  • n.



  • 例句与用法
  • He put intense pressure on souvanna to forsake neutralism .
  • Nothing would have been better designed to promote european neutralism or to depreciate the value of alliances .
  • Value - neutralism of science and its load levels
  • Considering the speciality of liquidation affairs and the neutralism and independence of liquidator , the thesis suggests that china should establish professional liquidator system and constitute unified liquidation law
  • China ' s traditional culture is really profound , the thought about people foremost 、 dignity 、 harmony 、 virtue 、 neutralism 、 honesty and credit 、 emphasizing both justice and benefit within it are the fundament of our country ' s modern enterprise culture construction
  • Following the research route of mend with study and development with creation , give the definition of risk and the methods of risk identifying , divide the risk attitude into risk loving , risk neutralism and risk avoiding , point out the importance of enhancing the risk consciousness for lightning hazard , and summarize the mechanisms of lightning hazard the theories and methods of risk assessment for lightning hazard . provide a set of risk assessment parameters for lightning hazard , which includes lightning times n , hazard probability p , hazard loss d , hazard risk r and protection efficiency e , and give the definition , decisive factor , value method and value scope of each parameter . establish a risk assessment model for lightning hazard which includes lightning hazard base module , lightning hazard probability module , lightning hazard loss module , lightning hazard accepted risk module , lightning protection cost module , correcting coefficient module , lightning hazard risk module , and lightning protection class and efficiency module
    遵循借鉴改造和发展创新的研究思路,给出了风险的定义和风险识别的方法,将风险态度分为风险喜好型、风险中庸型和风险逃避型,指出了提高雷电灾害风险意识的重要性,总结了雷电灾害的作用机制和雷电灾害风险评估的理论与方法;提供了包括雷击次数n 、雷灾概率p 、雷灾损失d 、雷灾风险r和雷电防护级别与防护效率e等5类基本参数的雷电灾害风险评估参数体系,并给出了各个参数的定义、参数的决定因素和取值方法以及取值范围;设计了包括雷电灾害基础模块、雷电灾害概率评估模块、雷电灾害损失评估模块、雷电灾害允许风险评估模块、雷电防护成本评估模块、校正系数模块、雷电灾害风险评估模块、雷电防护级别与效率分析模块等8个模块的雷电灾害风险评估模型,评估模型以iec61662的评估模型为基本参考,以雷灾损失d为中心,把雷灾风险划分为经济雷灾风险r _ e和人身雷灾风险r _ l ,并对r _ e和r _ l分开单独处理。
  • 英文解释
  • a policy of neutrality or nonalignment in international affairs

  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
neutralism的中文翻译,neutralism是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译neutralism,neutralism的中文意思,neutralism的中文neutralism in Chineseneutralism的中文neutralism怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
