We developed an experimental animal model of tardive dyskinesia simply by treating rats with neuroleptics . 我们仅仅通过对大鼠施用神经松驰剂,就搞出了一个迟发性运动障碍的实验动物模型。
When we used this technique with different neuroleptic drugs, we were able to compare the relative effectiveness of the various compounds . 当我们把这一方法用于不同的神经松驰剂时,我们便能够比较各种化合物的相对效力。
This is the largest neuroleptic withdrawal study of alzheimer ' s patients and the only long - term one of its type 这是规模最大的一次关于阿尔兹海默氏病患者神经抑制剂戒断的研究也是同类研究中为期时间最长的。
Neuroleptics malignant syndrome is a rare , emergent and potentially lethal complication of antipsychotics therapy 摘要抗精神病药物恶性症候群是一种因为使用抗精神病药物所引起的罕见、与具有潜在致命性急症。
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome presenting features include : fever , altered level of consciousness , and " lead - pipe " skeletal muscle rigidity causing rhabdomyolysis 抗精神病药物恶性症候群会引起意识改变、高烧、铅管样肌肉僵直并横纹肌溶解症。
Individuals taking certain medications such as lithium , tricyclic antidepressants , and neuroleptics and individuals with conditions such as diabetes or retinal degeneration should be monitored by an ophthalmologist 服用如锂盐、三环类抗抑郁药、精神抑制剂及有糖尿病或视网膜变性的人群应由眼科专家监督。
The investigation by king ' s college london researchers found that the sedatives , known as neuroleptics , were associated with a significant deterioration in verbal fluency and cognitive function , and that neuroleptic treatment had no benefit to patients with the mildest symptoms 伦敦国王学院的研究人员调查表明,镇静药即所谓的精神抑制剂对病人的语言表达流畅性与认知能力起到十分明显的副作用,而且对于症状缓和的病人精神抑制剂并没有多大的疗效。