In addition , the application of cuticular hydrocarbon analysis to the taxonomic differentiation of the pupae and empty exuviae of six necrophagous flies , were investigated 此外,也探讨了表皮碳氢化合物在蝇蛹和空蛹壳种类鉴别中的应用。
3 cuticular hydrocarbon composition in the pupae and its application in taxonomic differentiation for six necrophagous flies gc - patterns and their time - associated chang 丝光绿蝇、绊颜裸金蝇、棕尾别麻蝇和肥须亚麻蝇蛹表皮碳氢化合物组成及其含量的时间变化。
For example , the larval body length and morphological characteristics of most necrophagous flies is difficult to be discerned as larvae are at the post - feeding stage , easily resulting in the determination of pmi 但这些指标有时难以真实反映昆虫所处的生长发育阶段,如蝇类离食期幼虫的体长和形态变化均不明显,易造成推断误差。
Therefore , changes in compositions and levels of several biochemical substances , including cuticular hydrocarbon , pteridine , protein and uric acid during growth and development of some common species of necrophagous flies were measured and analyzed , and then the potential of using change patterns in those biochemical substances as age indicators in necrophagous flies was discussed 为此,本文特对不同种尸食性蝇类生长发育过程中表皮碳氢化合物、蝶啶、血淋巴可溶性蛋白和尿酸等的变化规律进行了较系统的测定分析,进而分析了这些变化规律用于幼虫、蛹或成虫日龄推断的可行性及推断方法。
Objective : to study the effects of diazepam to the development of the larvae of chrysomya megacephala in different temperature and accumulate the biological data on necrophagous flies in shijiazhuang area , and to help providing scientific data for deducing the postmortem interval ( pmi ) in criminal investigation 目的:了解不同温度下安定对大头金蝇生长发育的影响,积累石家庄地区尸食性蝇类在具毒尸体上的发育生物学资料,为刑事调查推断死后间隔时间( postmorteminterval , pmi )提供科学依据。