

  • 国家大气研究中心



  • 例句与用法
  • The climate characteristics of global water vapor transport and global water balance are analyzed by using the ncep / ncar reanalysis data set from 1958 to 1998
    利用ncep / ncar1958 1998年再分析资料分析了全球水汽输送时空分布的气候特征和全球水分平衡。
  • Jingyi xinyu diamond co . , ltd . is situtatcd inthe casy _ rcach area on the south of yangtze river , ncar taihu lake and next to shanghai nanjing expressway
    我公司位于长江之南,太湖之滨,地处沪宁高速会路中心地带,自古以来就是江南“鱼米之乡” 。条件优越,交通十分便利。
  • The spatial and temporal variations of large - scale atmospheric moisture sinks over southern china in spring during 1958 - 2004 are studied based on the ncep / ncar reanalysis data
    摘要用1958 - 2004年ncep / ncar再分析资料分析了中国南方春季大尺度大气水汽汇的时空变化特征。
  • By using the psu / ncar mm5 model , we made a numerical simulation about the severe sand - dust storm that occured in the north china on 20march in 2002
    20 ”强沙尘暴天气过程进行了数值模拟,并利用模式输出的各物理量对沙尘暴进行诊断分析,得出了华北地区沙尘暴的形成、发展机制。
  • Using necp / ncar reanalysis . gisst2 . 3b data - set , the inter - decadal variations in the relationship between the tropical pacific and indian ocean inter - annual anomalies are examined
    利用ncep ncar再分析资料、全球海温海冰gisst2 . 3b资料,分析了热带海洋地区海气系统内部联系的年代际变化特征。
  • The results are as follows : ( 1 ) the 925hpa necp / ncar reanalysis wind stress anomaly ( hereafter referred to as necp wind stress anomaly ) is more fit to observed ssta than the fsu wind stress anomaly both in 1980s and in 1990s
    结果表明: ( 1 ) 80 、 90年代925hpancep ncar再分析风应力距平(以下简称ncep风应力距平)较fsu风应力距平与观测的ssta匹配更为合理。
  • The ncep / ncar globally tropospheric 1 1 reanalysis data have been employed to select six landfall typhoon cases in order to diagnose variations of typhoon warm sectors in atmospheric boundary layer during their whole life periods
    摘要采用ncep / ncar全球对流层1 1再分析格点资料,选取6个登陆台风个例,分析了不同发展阶段台风大气边界层暖区变化的特征及其与强度变化的关系。
  • Using satellite data and ncep / ncar 1 1 reanalysis data , series of studies , from the viewpoint of satellite meteorology , are finished on mesoscale convective systems ( mcs ) and their possible genesis and evolution mechanism in the meiyu front
    本文从卫星气象的角度出发,利用卫星资料和ncep ncar1 1再分析资料,对梅雨暴雨云团的卫星观测及其形成和发展的机理进行了系列研究。
  • In this paper , we use psu / ncar mm5 model to make a research about an explosive cyclone that occurred in western pacific between december 19 and 21 in 1981 , we have a good simulation about the evolution of the real weather process
    本文以1981年12月19日? 21日发生在西太平洋上的一次爆发性气旋为例,用psu ncarmm5模式对该天气过程进行了数值模拟试验,比较好地模拟出了此次天气过程的演变情况。
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  • 其他语种释义
  • ncarとは意味

    NCAR {略-1} : National Center for Atmosphere Research 《米》大気圏研究センター --------------------------------------------------...

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