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用"nauplius"造句"nauplius"怎么读"nauplius" in a sentence


  • 甲壳幼虫
  • 无节幼虫
  • 无节幼体
  • 瑙普利奥斯


  • Thaw the fish roe , sea urchin , and artemia nauplii in a separate bowl
  • Nauplii grow by their own yolk , and do not take food from the outside
  • Among them , tintinnopsis beroide , t . urnula , t . brevicollis and copepod nauplius were dominant
    Urnula 、短颈拟铃虫和桡足类无节幼体为主要优势种。
  • Standard practice for using brine shrimp nauplii as food for test animals in aquatic toxicology
  • 6 protozoa and copepod nauplius were the most dominant groups , comprising more than 90 % of the total abundance of microzooplankton
    6 、胶州湾小型浮游动物以原生动物和无节幼体为主,两者共占小型浮游动物总数的90以上。
  • Freshly hatched nauplii provide , in most cases , an available source of live food for the youngest stages of most cultured species of larval fish and crustacea
  • Note : the post - larvae , growing a chela on the walking leg , begin to devour other small actively swimming animalcules , and the slow moving bs - n brine - shrimp nauplii becomes easy prey
  • The distribution of the brine shrimp hgcs varies greatly from the species studied till now . one hour after hatching , neither the dorsal - anterior area nor the other dorsal area remained positive immunoreactivity signal . and 2 hours after hatching , there was no typical hgcs in the body of the brine shrimp and the remained hatching enzymes may participate in digesting the left vitellin in the nauplius
    卤虫hgc最初出现至孵化前1h时均为全身性分布,从孵出到孵出后2h ,头卤虫孵化酶的生物化学性质及孵化腺细胞的免疫组织化学研究部的孵化酶颗粒已经减少,而变为非全身性分布,到孵出后sh ,孵化酶颗粒已基本消失殆尽。
  • The first stage is characterized by the body becoming bigger and more elongated than in the nauplius stage ; the head and thorax , however , remain unchanged . during this stage direct heat and light from the sun is detrimental to the development of the larvae . under direct sunlight they become deformed and are unable to absorb nutrients
  • The results showed that : the rate of food consumption and growth , and ecological conversion efficiency tended to decrease with the body weight increase ; with comparison among three diets such as themisto gracilipes , artemia nauplii and fish mud , the result showed that artemia nauplii was very applicable to the ammodytes personatus laboratory experiment ; the experiment of different food size showed that mature artemia nauplii was fitter than larva
    在饵料实验中,分别投喂细长脚(虫戎) 、卤虫和鱼糜三种饵料,实验的结果表明:仅管投喂细长脚(虫戎)的生态转化效率比较高,但从玉筋鱼的摄食、生长及与野生的生长相比较来看,卤虫还是室内实验选择的最佳饵料。
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