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用"nasonex"造句"nasonex"怎么读"nasonex" in a sentence


  • 内舒拿


  • Both astelin and nasonex were well tolerated in the study
  • Nasonex ( r ) ( mometasone furoate monohydrate ) did not produce a significant reduction from baseline tnss compared to placebo at any time point ( p . . 09 )
  • The only aderse eent that occurred in more than 2 percent of patients in any treatment group was headache in 3 ( 2 . 0 percent ) patients receiing nasonex , 4 ( 2 . 7 percent ) receiing placebo , and 0 receiing astelin
    每组仅有2 %的患者有不良反应,内舒拿组有3名患者出现头痛( 2 % ) ,安慰剂组有4名( 2 . 7 ) ,氮卓斯汀喷雾剂组无不良反应。
  • A total of 450 patients , 150 in each study arm , were randomized to receie two metered sprays per nostril of either astelin , nasonex or placebo spray and then asked to record their symptoms at specified interals oer 8 hours of pollen exposure in the eeu
  • " this single - dose study demonstrated that astelin proided significant , rapid relief of nasal symptoms as early as 15 minutes and maintained efficacy oer the entire 8 hour study period , while nasonex did not separate from placebo at any time point in the study
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