


  1. Zilbergeld said he knew his opinion may be in the minority.
  2. The cause was complications from diabetes, said his daughter, Claire Zilbergeld.
  3. Zilbergeld challenged the idea that male sexual function was simple and problem-free.
  4. She identifies sex therapy pioneers, such as Lonnie Barbach, Joe LoPiccolo, Bernie Zilbergeld, and David Schnarch, as inspirational to her early career.
  5. Zilbergeld gained prominence in the late'70s by challenging the well-known findings of William H . Masters and Virginia E . Johnson on sexual dysfunction.
  6. It's difficult to find zilbergeld in a sentence. 用zilbergeld造句挺难的
  7. Before his death, Zilbergeld completed another book, which focused on couples over 50 who are very active physically in and out of the bedroom, Barbach said.
  8. Bernie Zilbergeld, a psychologist whose widely read books helped debunk popular assumptions about male sexuality, died on June 12 at his home in Oakland, Calif . He was 62.
  9. Bernie Zilbergeld was born on June 28, 1939, in Freehold, N . J . He graduated from Ohio State University and earned his PhD from the University of California.
  10. It sought to explore and discredit long-held notions like, in Zilbergeld's words, " a man always wants and is always ready to have sex,"
  11. The sexual temptations open to famous, powerful men like Jack Kennedy or even Dick Morris are literally beyond the ability of science to comprehend, says Bernie Zilbergeld, author of " New Male Sexuality ."
  12. Kolodny wrote a detailed defense of Masters and Johnson's sex therapy statistics following an attack on Masters and Johnson's credibility by the psychologists Bernie Zilbergeld and Michael Evans in " Psychology Today " in 1981.
  13. In The New York Times Book Review, Alex Comfort, the author of " The Joy of Sex, " praised Zilbergeld's book for offering " enormous reassurance and first aid " to men anxious about their sexual performance.
  14. In a 1980 article in Psychology Today, Zilbergeld and a colleague wrote : " Masters and Johnson's sex therapy research is so flawed by methodological errors and slipshod reporting that it fails to meet customary standards _ and their own _ for evaluation.
  15. Shortly after obtaining his degrees in the early'70s, Zilbergeld became one of the original directors of training at the innovative Human Sexuality Program at the University of California Medical School, one of the first programs to treat sexual problems in a clinical setting.
  16. Yet Dr . Bernie Zilbergeld, an Oakland-based sex therapist and author of " The New Male Sexuality, " has a different take on Clinton's use of his cigar as a sex prop, as reported in the independent counsel's report.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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