

  1. Wham-O rebounded a few years later with the unusual spring of the SuperBall, made of a compressed plastic known as Zectron.
  2. It was made of a relatively hard elastomer Polybutadiene alloy dubbed Zectron, exhibiting a remarkable 0.92 coefficient of restitution when bounced on hard surfaces.
  3. It's difficult to find zectron in a sentence. 用zectron造句挺难的


  1. "zeckendorf towers"造句
  2. "zeckhauser"造句
  3. "zecora"造句
  4. "zecter"造句
  5. "zectran"造句
  6. "zed"造句
  7. "zed seselja"造句
  8. "zed and two noughts"造句
  9. "zed bias"造句
  10. "zed books"造句

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