

  1. Under the Ultramares doctrine, auditors are only liable to 3rd parties who are specifically named.
  2. While the Ultramares doctrine is the majority rule, ( to the relief of many new and budding accountants pursuing an auditing career ! ) the restatement standard is preferred in several states and is growing in popularity.
  3. There could not be a duty owed in respect of " liability in an indeterminate amount for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate class " ( " Ultramares Corp v Touche ", per Cardozo C . J New York Court of Appeals ).
  4. The core of the principle was enunciated by the then-Chief Justice of the New York Court of Appeals ( later Associate Supreme Court Justice ) Benjamin N . Cardozo in " Ultramares Corp . v . Touche " ( 1932 ) 174 N . E . 441 as the risk of exposing defendants to liability for " indeterminate amount for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate class ".
  5. If the imposition of a duty on a defendant would be for any reason oppressive, or would expose him, in Cardozo C . J .'s famous phrase in " Ultramares Corporation v Touche ", 174 N . E . 441, 444, " to a liability in an indeterminate amount for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate class, " that will weigh heavily, probably conclusively, against the imposition of a duty ( if it has not already shown a fatal lack of proximity ).
  6. It's difficult to find ultramares in a sentence. 用ultramares造句挺难的
  7. I can well understand that it would be going too far to make an accountant liable to any person in the land who chooses to rely on the accounts in matters of business, for that would expose him to " liability in an indeterminate amount for an indeterminate time to an indeterminate class " : see " Ultramares Corporation v Touche " per Cardozo CJ . Whether he would be liable if he prepared his accounts for the guidance of a specific class of persons in specific class of transactions, I do not say.
  8. Both the analogy with contract and the assumption of responsibility have been relied upon as a test of proximity in foreign courts as well as our own : see, for example, " Glanzer v Shepard " ( 1922 ) 135 NE 275, 276; " Ultramares Corporation v Touche " ( 1931 ) 174 N . E . 441, 446; " State Street Trust Co v Ernst " ( 1938 ) 15 N . E . 2d 416, 418; " Scott Group Ltd v McFarlane " [ 1978 ] 1 NZLR 553, 567.


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