


  1. Ceausescu and his tyrannic wife came to inspect _ and Lungu started to sweat.
  2. *What about the Tyrannic War Vetrans?
  3. Gherardo was a tyrannic but efficient administrator in Treviso, and increased its economic importance.
  4. GWAR then engage in another battle with their tyrannic offspring, eventually killing it as well.
  5. In vain she was upholding in times of tyrannic repression the rights and dignity of every person.
  6. It's difficult to find tyrannic in a sentence. 用tyrannic造句挺难的
  7. It is likely that Filippo himself prompted the latter to his assassination of the tyrannic Alessandro ( 1537 ).
  8. The weakness of the Islamic world increased so much that it became impossible for Muslim nations to face the tyrannic forces,
  9. He soon witnesses the execution by beheading of a townsman, ordered by the tyrannic ruler of the region, Lady Mordea.
  10. It describes the geography, culture in brief and the hardships faced by the Kashmiri people under the tyrannic rule of Dogras.
  11. Shah Shuja proved to be a less of a tyrannic figure, but he was constantly fighting with his brothers, causing a long period of instability.
  12. Please, remember, that Lithuania had got in exchange all its Western Lithuania and Vilnus from " bloody tyrannic Russia " ! ! ! ! "'
  13. That was a'first ever political movement against any Nepalese government'which was totally corrupt and tyrannic, extremely unpopular and fundamentally against the public interest.
  14. Little mention was made of Stalin, whose tyrannic leadership and pre-war killing or imprisonment of many top army commanders have been blamed for Red Army defeats.
  15. 更多例句:  下一页


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  6. "tyrannical"造句
  7. "tyrannical government"造句
  8. "tyrannical mex"造句
  9. "tyrannical patriarch"造句
  10. "tyrannically"造句

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